Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hornet Woes

Today in realizing that the Falcon 4.0 game I just downloaded the other day is actually a recent(as in about a week ago) release (much to my surprise, I had no idea. I might have to go buy it now.), I spent the majority.. no, all of my time at work reading about.. flight stuff. I started reading about helicopter flight, controls, aerodynamics, ect., and moving on to more specialized things about the AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter. Fun stuff in all of that reading. I understand helicopter flight, horray.
So then I moved on to specifications for the F-16.. since that is what I'll be flying, much to my DISMAY. I just don't really have a love for the tiny Falcon. I think it has something to do with the fact that it isn't a Navy jet.. and it just isn't sexy like the F/A-18 is. But, it's the newest sim out there, and it's about time I give Falcon a try.
So the first thing I was looking at was weight, thrust, range, maximum speed, and of course the all-important corner velocity, which is a definate must to know for all those fast-paced dogfights.
So moving on from that I got sidetracked by many upon many pages of BFM and ACM goodies (Basic Fighter Maneuvers and Air Combat Maneuvers). And read those for a very very long time.
Then I couldn't resist going and reading about my favourite jet of all time.. the F/A-18 Hornet. And.. I spent the rest of the day reading about the history and future of the Hornet. Found a great read in there with a guy that actually got to fly one at a demonstration. Talks about the handling and everything about the Hornet - radar, computer software..
Then time for work is coming close, so I decided to write this (because I know I wouldn't do it once I got back to my room).
Oh yeah, interesting factoid - Did you know that almost all of the US's current avionics computers installed on fighters have PowerPC processors? Hmmm...


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