Well, I finally got my copy of EQOA yesterday. I didn't play as much as I wanted to... but it still felt nice to be back in there. Was surprised (though I guess it makes sense) that there aren't many servers left.. *shrug*
I decided not to join my old server (glad to see it is still there) because I don't remember the account name of the account I used to use to play.. and that server just so happens to have my favourite names already in use (by me.. on that account I don't know the name to). The one I joined (can't remember off the top of my head) had no one in Neriak! ahhh! .. well, it has been a few years since it was released. Also makes sense, but kind of sad. But hey, I still ... kind of.. remembered my way around Neriak (okay, I got lost going back IN, but I could find my way OUT just fine).
Anyway.. I hope I can find out my old account name because I have some free days to play on it, and maybe I can uh.. sell my stuff.. or something.. before I delete my characters to remake them.
Well, what I miss the most about it is just exploring. EQOA had such a rich environment, just WANTING to be explored. Rawwrrr. And I miss my runs from Neriak to Tethelin/Fayspire... to the wasp hive outside of Teth.. I ran that wasp queen around so much... :P
I miss killing the guards in that village that was just south of Halas.. and running off the edge of the cliff, hitting that little lip in the cliffside just right and getting mucho air time (thank you no falling damage!)
I miss trying to get a peek into the Great Unknown (Oggok area) and Lavastorm (both opened in Frontiers)
Sooo muucchh nastalgia... *sigh*