Thursday, December 28, 2006

Oh my

Back from my extended stay at home for the holiday, and still about five days of not having to work ahead of me.

I picked me up some new Virtual Console games on my Wii on christmas, Super Mario Brothers (it's a classic, I just had to) and R-Type. I now remember how very very bad I am at playing R-Type. But still fun as ever. One of those games where you mess up and get very angry at yourself and the game, but can't stop playing anyway.

Got a little bit of Wii Sports action in with the family around, but everyone had to take off around noon on Monday (having arrived Saturday night for christmas at grandma's), so not a whole lot. Seems like Jess got hooked... and I still beat her in tennis! I only wish I had a picture of her trying to serve the ball with her free-of-a-Wiimote left hand.

I'm really impressed with Nintendo for creating a system that non-gamers have so much fun with. Kudos.

Oh, and Jess.. by the time I get up there for a visit I'm sure you'll have your own Wii!

Anyway, to the end of this somewhat "normal" post. If any other family members discover me here... don't expect too many posts that make any sense!


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